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Kil 64x

Dexter's Kill List is a collection of all characters killed by Dexter Morgan in the Showtime series DEXTER and Dexter: New Blood. Kills in Dexter Early Cuts are also included.

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Below is a list of the 144 known people that Dexter directly killed, along with their basic causes of death. Note: An X means the victim did not fit the Code of Harry. The episode is linked to each one where it happened or was mentioned.

1. Nurse Mary - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("Popping Cherry")2. Unnamed Victim - No blood taken. Killed between Mary and the Drug Dealer. ("Every Silver Lining...")3. Unnamed Drug Dealer - No blood taken. First victim to whom Dexter showed photos of their own victims. ("Every Silver Lining...")4. Juan Ryness - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("There's Something About Harry")5. Robert Milson - (1994) No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("Dark Echo (Early Cuts)")6. Peter Thornton - (1994) No blood taken. Neck sawed through with a circular saw. ("Dark Echo (Early Cuts)")7. Unknown Victim - No blood taken. Identified via a defunct website as being killed right before Alex Timmons, whom Dexter stalked on the same night, witnessing him on the roof.

8. Alex Timmons - First blood slide. Stabbed in the chest. ("Return to Sender" / Alex Timmons (Early Cuts) has an inconsistent date of 2003) (Dexter told Alex that he had killed dozens of people by this point.)9. Gene Marshall - Blood slide taken in series / No Blood taken in Early Cuts. Throat slit with a utility knife, head beaten with a flashlight, and crushed by Dexter's car. ("Return to Sender" / Gene Marshall (Early Cuts) has an inconsistent date of 1993)10. Coleman Lindquist (2000) - Blood slide shared with his father. Decapitated with a hacksaw. ("All in the Family (Early Cuts)")11. Max Lindquist (2000) - Blood slide shared with his son. Decapitated with a hacksaw. ("All in the Family (Early Cuts)")12. Cindy Landon (2004) - Blood slide. Cut in half with a chainsaw. ("Return to Sender", "Cindy Landon (Early Cuts)")13. Walter Munro (possibly 2005) - Blood slide. Implied to have been killed in a flashback. ("Surprise, Motherfucker!")14. Marcetti (2006) - Blood slide. Captured after meeting Rita Bennett, presumably killed later (flashback). ("My Bad")

59. Little Chino - Blood slide. Stabbed in the chest with his machete. ("Waiting to Exhale")60. Roger Hicks - Blood slide. Stabbed in the chest. ("An Inconvenient Lie")61. Ken Olson - No blood taken. Decapitated with a cleaver. ("Dex, Lies, and Videotape")62. Santos Jimenez - Blood slide lost. Dismembered with a chainsaw. ("Morning Comes")63. Jose Garza - No blood taken. Neck sawed through with power saw. ("There's Something About Harry")64x. Esteban Famosa - No blood taken. Killed off screen, presumably neck snapped. ("Left Turn Ahead")65x. Teo Famosa - No blood taken. Shot in the chest, with assistance from James Doakes. ("Left Turn Ahead")66. Lila West - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("The British Invasion")

67. Phillip Barnes - 1st Blood slide in Second Box. Revealed in a file to have been killed in 2007. ("Swim Deep")68. Unnamed Wife Killer - 2nd Blood slide. Mentioned by Dexter as being killed in 2007. ("About Last Night")69. Marvin Madden - 3rd Blood slide. Revealed in a file to have been killed in 2008. ("Swim Deep")70. Christopher James - 4th Blood slide. Revealed in a file to have been killed in 2008. ("Swim Deep")

116. Ben - 39th blood slide. Heart stopped with a defibrillator, simultaneous with Roger. ("Those Kinds of Things") 117. Roger - 40th blood slide. Heart stopped with a defibrillator, simultaneous with Ben. ("Those Kinds of Things")118. Joe Walker - 41st blood slide. Skull crushed with a hammer, stabbed in the chest. ("Those Kinds of Things")119. Julio Benes - 42nd blood slide. Throat slashed. ("Once Upon a Time...")120. Walter Kenney - 43rd blood slide. Suffocated with a pillow. ("Smokey and the Bandit")121. Nick - No blood taken. Drowned in the bay where he was baptized. ("Just Let Go")122x. Norm -No blood taken. Impaled with a pitchfork. ("Nebraska")123. Steve Dorsey - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("Ricochet Rabbit")124. Beth Dorsey - No blood taken. Trapped in a room with her gas bomb. ("Talk to the Hand")125x. Alberto - No blood taken. Impaled with a harpoon. ("This is the Way the World Ends")126. Travis Marshall - Blood slide lost. Stabbed in the chest. ("This is the Way the World Ends")

127. Viktor Baskov - No blood taken. Head smashed with a fire extinguisher. ("Are You...?")128. Ray Speltzer - No blood taken, second box burned with body. Stabbed in the chest with a stake. ("Run")129. Unnamed Hitman - No blood taken. Throat slashed. ("Argentina")130. Oleg Mickic - No blood taken. Stabbed in the back. ("Helter Skelter")131x. Clint McKay - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("The Dark... Whatever")132. Hector Estrada - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("Surprise, Motherfucker!")

133. Unidentified Victim - No blood taken. Neck sawed through with a power saw. ("A Beautiful Day")134x. Andrew Briggs - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest with a switchblade during a struggle. ("A Beautiful Day")135. Ron Galuzzo - No blood taken. Stabbed, presumably in the chest. ("What's Eating Dexter Morgan?")136. A.J. Yates - No blood taken. Impaled through a bed with a curtain rod. ("This Little Piggy")137. Oliver Saxon - No blood taken. Stabbed in the neck with a pen. ("Remember the Monsters?")138. Debra Morgan - No blood taken. Life support shut off (mercy killing). ("Remember the Monsters?")

139. Matt Caldwell - Makeshift blood slide, presumably disposed of with remains. Stabbed in the chest (first victim in ten years). ("Cold Snap")140. Jasper Hodge - No blood taken. Forced drug overdose. ("Runaway")141.x Elric Kane - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("Unfair Game")142. Wiggles the Clown - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest (flashback). ("The Family Business")143. Kurt Caldwell - No blood taken. Stabbed in the chest. ("The Family Business")144x. Sergeant Logan - No blood taken. Neck snapped. ("Sins of the Father")

The Bay Harbor Butcher 18 was the name given to the eighteen (actually 23) dismembered bodies that were found by two scuba divers off the coast of Miami. After recovery, they were laid out in a field morgue to examine and identify. Investigators never discovered they had been killed by Dexter Morgan who had dumped them from his fishing boat. Due to the location where the bodies were found and how they were cut up, the media dubbed the unknown killer "The Bay Harbor Butcher." After DNA analysis, all of the victims were found to be murderers that had slipped through the law.

Additionally, Stan Liddy is not known to have committed any murders, but the first rule is "Don't get caught." Since Liddy was trying to get Dexter to confess to his crimes, his murder fits the code, albeit under a different justification than usual.

As many serial killers do, Dexter started his killing spree with animals. Through the years, his self-control towards animals improved. At age 20, he started killing humans - Nurse Mary was the first.

The following are victims that held a special meaning to Dexter, or caused a special event to unfold. Most of these victims didn't have a blood slide taken, due to lack of time or Dexter's personal choice.

Badger Scouts are a relic of an age long past. With the removal of the badge system in the Odds and Ends Update, the badge system no longer exists. You can still find the scouts, but whenever you talk to them they will display the dialogue of when you already have a task for that category. Some of the scouts have had their dialogue removed, or have been removed entirely. All the information below is outdated, but if you are interested you can read about how tasks used to be:

Talking to Scouts around Origin Isles starts Quests which grants Badge EXP and Rubies. Every Scout refreshes their quest at 12pm GMT alongside the streak. However, they expire 24 hours after having being started. 20 scouts are positioned around the island. These quests are the third easiest and fastest way to earn Rubies, beating Jacko by a longshot, but being beaten by loot pots and nether exploring.

There are 4 categories of quests, with 5 scouts per category. Scouts will have an Icon above their head telling you what category their quest falls under. You can only accept 1 quest per category at any given time

*Deal Damage using a counts damage dealt while holding a specific weapon. As such, damage such as Toxic Armor's Passive counts towards damage. This also includes wielding a bow in your offhand, and a in your main hand. If you know your bow does more than the assigned weapon, this lets you use your bow instead while still getting credit for

Note this says "20 tasks in a day", and not "complete every task on the board". Because tasks reset 24 real hours after completion, its possible to have tasks crossed off from the day before. You must complete these quests again in the same day to count. 041b061a72

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