Evaluation Of Hospital Services Pdf Download
Publicly reported HCAHPS results are based on four consecutive quarters of patient surveys. CMS publishes participating hospitals' HCAHPS results on the Care Compare website (www.medicare.gov/care-compare) four times a year, with the oldest quarter of patient surveys rolling off as the most recent quarter rolls on. A downloadable version of HCAHPS results is also available through this website. Additional HCAHPS results can be found on HCAHPS On-Line, (www.hcahpsonline.org). To ensure that publicly reported HCAHPS scores allow fair and accurate comparisons across hospitals, it is necessary to adjust for factors that are not directly related to hospital performance but which affect how patients answer HCAHPS survey items. These adjustments eliminate any advantage or disadvantage in scores that might result from the survey mode employed or from characteristics of patients that are beyond a hospital's control. In addition, the HCAHPS Project Team engages in a series of quality oversight activities, including inspection of survey administration procedures, statistical analyses of submitted data, and site visits of HCAHPS survey vendors and self-administering hospitals, to assure that the HCAHPS survey is being administered according to the protocols.
evaluation of hospital services pdf download
Sound information on the supply and quality of health services is necessary for health systems management, monitoring, and evaluation. The efforts to scale up interventions for HIV/AIDS, malaria, safe motherhood, child health, and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through global health partnerships have drawn attention to the need for strong country monitoring of health services, covering the public, private-for profit, and the private not-for-profit sectors, and their readiness to deliver key interventions. With the increased demand for accountability and the need to demonstrate results at country and global levels, information is needed to track how health systems respond to increased inputs and improved processes over time and the impact such inputs and processes have on improved health outcomes and better health status.
The data come from all but one state in the United States and cover $33.8 billion in hospital spending from three sources: self-insured employers, state-based all-payer claims databases, and health plans. Prices reflect the negotiated allowed amount paid per service, including amounts from both the health plan and the patient, with adjustments for the intensity of services provided. 350c69d7ab