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A Download MDN: How to Use the Anchor Element in HTML

element and its attributes H3: The href attribute - How to specify the URL of the file to download H3: The download attribute - How to suggest a filename and force a download H3: The referrerpolicy attribute - How to control the amount of referrer information sent with the request H2: How to use the API to download files programmatically - Introduction to the API and its options H3: The filename option - How to set the file path and name relative to the default downloads directory H3: The conflictAction option - How to handle filename conflicts H3: The headers option - How to send additional HTTP headers with the request H2: Benefits and drawbacks of downloading MDN - A comparison of the pros and cons of downloading MDN versus accessing it online H2: Conclusion - A summary of the main points and a call to action H2: FAQs - A list of five frequently asked questions and answers about downloading MDN Table 2: Article with HTML formatting What is MDN and why you should download it

MDN, or Mozilla Developer Network, is a comprehensive resource for web developers that provides documentation, tutorials, guides, and references for web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web APIs, and more. MDN is maintained by Mozilla and a community of volunteers who are passionate about web development.

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Download File:

If you are a web developer, you probably use MDN often to learn new skills, find solutions, or check syntax. But did you know that you can also download MDN and access it offline? This can be useful if you have limited or unreliable internet connection, or if you want to have a backup copy of MDN on your local machine. In this article, we will show you how to download MDN from the official website, how to use the element to create download links, how to use the API to download files programmatically, and what are the benefits and drawbacks of downloading MDN.

How to download MDN from the official website

The easiest way to download MDN is to visit the official website and click on the "Download" button at the top right corner. This will take you to a page where you can choose between different formats and languages of MDN. You can also filter by categories such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

For example, if you want to download the English version of MDN in HTML format, you can select "English (US)" from the language dropdown menu, "HTML" from the format dropdown menu, and "All" from the category dropdown menu. Then click on the "Download" button at the bottom of the page. This will start a ZIP file download that contains all the HTML files of MDN.

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Here are some screenshots of how to download MDN from the official website:

Once you have downloaded the ZIP file, you can extract it to any folder on your computer. You can then open any HTML file in your browser and view it offline. You can also search for keywords or topics using your browser's search function.

How to use the element to create download links

If you want to create your own download links for files on your website or blog, you can use the should indicate the link's destination.

The most important attribute for creating download links is the href attribute. This specifies the URL of the file that you want to download. For example:

This will create a link that will download the file.pdf from the website when clicked.

However, this will not always work as expected. Depending on the browser and the file type, the browser may try to open the file in a new tab or window, or display a dialog box asking the user to save or open the file. To avoid this, you can use the download attribute. This tells the browser to download the file instead of opening it, and optionally suggests a filename for the downloaded file. For example:

This will create a link that will download the file.pdf from the website and save it as report.pdf on the user's computer.

Another attribute that you can use for creating download links is the referrerpolicy attribute. This controls how much referrer information (the page from which the user navigated to the file) is sent along with the request. This can affect the privacy and security of your users and your website. For example:

This will create a link that will download the file.pdf from the website and save it as report.pdf on the user's computer, without sending any referrer information to the server.

There are other values that you can use for the referrerpolicy attribute, such as origin, origin-when-cross-origin, same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url, or an empty string. You can read more about them on MDN.

How to use the API to download files programmatically

If you want to download files programmatically from your web extension or browser add-on, you can use the API. This allows you to initiate a download from JavaScript code, without requiring any user interaction. You can also specify various options to customize the download behavior.

To use this API, you need to have the "downloads" permission in your manifest.json file. Then you can call the method with an object that contains the following options:


urlThe URL of the file to be downloaded. This is required.

filenameThe file path and name relative to the default downloads directory. This is optional.

conflictActionThe action to take if there is a filename conflict. This can be "uniquify", "overwrite", or "prompt". The default is "uniquify".

headersAn array of objects that specify additional HTTP headers to be sent with the request. Each object has a name and a value property.

methodThe HTTP method to use for the request. This can be "GET" or "POST". The default is "GET".

bodyThe body of a POST request. This is optional.

saveAsA boolean value that indicates whether to show a save dialog to the user. The default is false.

For example, if you want to download a file from and save it as report.pdf in a subfolder called "reports" in your downloads directory, you can use this code:  url: " "reports/report.pdf");

This will return a promise that resolves with an integer ID for the new download item, or rejects with an error message if something goes wrong.

You can read more about this API and its options on MDN.

Benefits and drawbacks of downloading MDN

Downloading MDN can have some advantages and disadvantages compared to accessing it online. Here are some of them:


You can access MDN offline without internet connection.You need to update your downloaded copy regularly to get the latest changes and fixes.

You can browse MDN faster and smoother without loading delays or ads.You need more storage space on your computer to store all the files of MDN.You can customize MDN to your preferences and needs, such as changing the font size, color, or layout.You may miss some features or functionalities that are only available online, such as interactive examples, live samples, or feedback forms.

You can have a backup copy of MDN in case the online version is unavailable or inaccessi

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