12. Perfection
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12. Perfection
Once the dough has come together, it is time to allow it to rest. Resting the dough is important when it comes to pastry perfection for a few reasons: the flour has a chance to fully and evenly hydrate, any gluten that has formed during the mixing process will have a chance to relax, and if any butter was in danger of melting, it will have a chance to firm up before the dough is rolled.
There are a few methods to transfer your rolled-out crust to your pie pan. Some recipes will call for gently draping the crust over your rolling pin and then unrolling it onto the pan. Others will tell you to fold the dough in 4ths and lift it this way. This can work, depending on the recipe and temperature of the dough, but more often than not, I end up with giant cracks. And using parchment paper to lift the dough and slide it into the pan can make it difficult to center the dough on the pan, leading you to have to shift the dough and, again, possibly crack it. Cracked dough is, arguably, the opposite of pastry perfection.
However, when we strive for perfectionism it can lead to stress and anxiety as well as make us too self-critical. It also makes others feel inadequate in our presence which could lead to feeling lonely or isolated.
When you fall flat on your face, the only way of getting back up is by dusting yourself off and doing it all over again until you get it right. By embracing our imperfections, we can learn how to progress and grow as a person.
For $3,000, you should expect perfection, and indeed, that's pretty much what you get with the Sony FE 12-24mm f/2.8 GM. If you absolutely need 12mm, as opposed to 14mm or 17mm, then you won't be disappointed.
Extensive research has found the psychology of perfectionism to be rather complex. Yes, perfectionists strive to produce flawless work, and they also have higher levels of motivation and conscientiousness than non-perfectionists. However, they are also more likely to set inflexible and excessively high standards, to evaluate their behavior overly critically, to hold an all-or-nothing mindset about their performance. So while certain aspects of perfectionism might be beneficial in the workplace, perfectionistic tendencies can also clearly impair employees at work. Researchers combed through four decades of study on perfectionism to answer: Are perfectionists better performers at work? Taken as a whole, their results indicate that perfectionism is a much bigger weakness than many job applicants and interviewers probably assume.
Most of the studies we reviewed used one of three established scales of perfectionism. But there were some studies that used others. That said, virtually every study measured perfectionism by having individuals report their own perfectionistic tendencies.
Given there are a few different scales for perfectionism, there is not one definition of what it is. But there are characteristics of perfectionism that are mostly agreed upon, such as inflexibly high standards and an all-or-nothing mind set.
While these effects were consistently evident for perfectionists in general, closer examination yielded important distinctions about when these effects were more or less extreme. Research has identified two distinct but related sub-dimensions of perfectionism. The first, which we call excellence-seeking perfectionism, involves tendencies to fixate on and demand excessively high standards. Excellence-seeking perfectionists not only stringently evaluate their own performance but also hold high performance expectations for other people in their lives. The second, which we call failure-avoiding perfectionism, involves an obsessive concern with and aversion to failing to reach high performance standards. Failure-avoiding perfectionists are constantly worried their work is not quite right or good enough and believe that they will lose respect from others if they do not achieve perfection.
Taken as a whole, our results indicate that perfectionism is likely not constructive at work. We did find consistent, modestly-sized relationships between perfectionism and variables widely considered to be beneficial for employees and organizations (i.e., motivation and conscientiousness). Yet critically, we found no link between perfectionism and performance. This, coupled with the strong effects of perfectionism on burnout and mental well-being, suggests perfectionism has an overarching detrimental effect for employees and organizations. In other words, if perfectionism is expected to impact employee performance by increased engagement and motivation, then that impact is being offset by opposing forces, like higher depression and anxiety, which have serious consequences beyond just the workplace. 041b061a72