Organs Please Free 'LINK' Download (v1.01)
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Organs Please Free Download (v1.01)
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ImPACT are changing the model for incorporation of new data into thespreadsheet. Rather than relying on our evaluations for data we are workingwith the Institute of Physics andEngineering in Medicine's Diagnostic Radiology Special Interest Group(IPEM's DR SIG) to update the data. We would like to invite users who haveaccess to scanners that do not currently appear in CTDosimetry to makeappropriate CTDI measurements and send their results to the DR SIG. If youwould like to make measurements please download and use this form.
Information submitted with your request is used to track the number of validdownloads and profile our user base. Access to the download is not restrictedto those who fill in the form, but please leave 'anon' as your name if you areunwilling to disclose your real name - and please indicate your profession. 041b061a72