Transas 4000 User Manual _BEST_
Ship LogBook page is designed for recording events whichoccurred duringthe ECDIS task operation. The table is a set of rows(events) and of columns(event parameters). For the set of eventswhich are automatically shown in the ShipLogbook, see N AVI -SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS ( V . 2.00.009). F UNCTIONALDESCRIPTION ,Chapter 6 , section Ship Logbook , paragraph Ship LogbookFomationPrincipes ). Besides, the operator can enter events manually, editeventsand enter comments on the events. The events editing andinput of comments is
Transas 4000 User Manual
In the Logon window which will appear, enter the password (userand passwordsettings are made in the System Configuration utility,see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100ECDIS ( V. 2.00.009). I NSTALLATION GUIDE , Chapter 2 , section NS4000Configuration , paragraph SecuritySettings ).
In the Logon window which will appear, select the user and enterthe password(the users and passwords are set in the SystemConfiguration utility,see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS ( V.2.00.009). I NSTALLATION G UIDE ,Chapter 2 , section NS4000Configuration , paragraph Security Settings ).
Press the Edit button. In the Logon window which will appear,select the user andenter the password (users passwords are set inthe System Configuration utility,see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS( V . 2.00.009). I NSTALLATION G UIDE ,Chapter 2 , section NS4000Configuration , paragraph Security Settings ).
Navi-Radar 4000 uniquely combines radar information, navigational charts, ENC safety parameters, targets, user-maps, routes and tools for decision support, which all ensure safer navigation.